Welcome on board INFRATEC UK!
We’re paving the way for digital transformation with our Cloud ERP software for infrastructure management… We’re absolutely thrilled to be working with INFRATEC-UK.
We are growing our client portfolio and now working with the fantastic team at INFRATEC-UK – the “highway” stars of infrastructure management!
David Bullock, Managing Director of INFRATEC-UK said:
“At present, there many elements of our manufacturing processes that cannot be managed effectively and whilst there are some IT systems in place, they are stand-alone applications and do not integrate and require significant manual interpretation and interception. The aim of this project is to function with appropriate technologies that are fully integrated with people and processes.
Zest I/O have proposed modular cloud software – ZEST Cloudsuite that provides a modular, fully integrated ERP, MRP and CRM software across the business. This will enable us to manage business processes end-to-end and help remove standalone applications and disjointed spreadsheets and manual intervention.”
With ZEST Cloudsuite, our cloud-based ERP software, we’ll help INFRATEC-UK to:
– Streamline their operations
– Consolidate their IT landscape
– Improve their efficiency and productivity
– And of course, we’ll provide them with the highest level of support and service, always with a smile.
If you’d like to find out you can streamline your business processes with ZEST Cloudsuite, please get in touch with our team. We will be delighted to discuss how we can facilitate and enable your digital transformation!